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Monday, August 17, 2009


I hate my job. There I said it. I am a stay at home mom and I hate my job. Now before you judge me, I don't hate my kids. I hate my job. Why is it that people who work outside the home have the priviledge of hating their jobs but not us stay at home mothers? I don't always hate it. Sometimes when the house is really quiet, the dishes are done and the house is clean, well then I enjoy my job. Usually though I just hate it. I mentally count how many years I have until freedom. I know after my previous post about ungratefulness that this may sound contradictory but this is how I feel today. I am grateful that I'm the one taking care of my kids and not daycare. I'm grateful that I can see their accomplishments and kiss their boo's boo's. I love seeing them smile and laugh. It puts a smile on my face to see their little legs pump and move when I take them to the park. Yet... I hate my job. I want to converse with adults and wear cute clothes and feel attractive. I want to recognize the weekend from weekdays. You see everyday is the same for stay-at-home moms. Saturday is just like monday and vice versus. I want a chance to miss my kids. So I think of this job as anyone else thinks of their job and I'm looking forward to retirement. Now my dream job would be one where I could balance the two. Maybe work two days per week and spend the other days taking care of the kids. Now this is what I think now, but you know how the saying "the grass is always greener" goes? You always want what you don't have. When I was single I wanted to be married. When I got married... Well I think you get the picture. Now don't get me wrong, I love being married but I can now look back and clearly see the perks I had as a single gal. The same with kids. I love them tremendously BUT I definitely miss the days before kids. So today when my kids woke me up at 7:30am and immediately started asking for yogurt and milk, well I thought to myself " I hate my job". Now later when I've sufficiently tired them out and I clean my house, prepare my supper and lay them down for a nap. Well then I'll look around and think "this isn't so bad" and at that point I'll feel a twinge of guilt for hating it earlier.

Do you feel guilty for hating your job?

the diva

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