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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Stepmom blues

So yesterday wasn't a great day. Today is looking pretty dim. Now I've already prayed and I'm trying to rid myself of negative thinking, but..... I just can't help but get a little pissed off about the taxi service I have to provide today. As a stepmom you can't help but to start feeling a bit resentful (okay a lot resentful) about having to "mother" someone else's child. My husband wanted custody but I feel like I do ninety percent of the work involved in taking care of him. Now I know that he works and I'm at home so, I shouldn't feel resentful, but sometimes I do.

Let's take today for example. Now I did all the leg work/phone calling to get my stepson this interview for a volunteer oportunity. Even when I asked my husband to call he never followed up. So knowing how important this is for my stepson's college applications, I set everything up myself. Today is Tuesday which is my busy day. My three year old has preschool and my two year old has mommy and me storytime at the bookstore. After that we have a playdate. So I have to have everyone dressed and fed, hair combed by 8:30am to get to everything on time. So drop off three year old, and take two year old to story time after our doughnut ritual. Now best believe she will be whining and complaining the whole time;kinda like what I'm doing now. After storytime we will go to our playdate and then go have lunch. Now here is where things get hectic. I have to pick my stepson up from his school at 2:00pm so no nap for the little one's so it's best if I just stay out until around that time and don't even go home. That means bathroom time will have to be in some public place. Have you ever used public restrooms with your little one's? Yeah it can get REAL nasty! So I have to pick him up at 2pm then take him to his interview at the museum. I'll have to get everyone out of the car, because their is no way the kids will let me sit in the car with the childrens museum in the line of sight. Now I KNOW once we get in their the interview won't take long, so I'll go through hell to make the kids understand that we have to leave the museum in order to get my stepson back to school for football practice. Football practice is at 3pm and should go untill 6pm but it always doesn't. Sometimes he calls at 5pm right when I'm in the middle of cooking and says "I'm done early can you pick me up" which I then have to get pack up the kids and stop mid-cook and go pick him up. Well anyway if practice does run until 6pm then I have to pick him back up again from school and take him to tutoring. Tutoring ends at 7:30pm and it's highly unlikely that my husband will get home in time to pick him up because he is working in the city today of all days. Now my husband also has a eye appointment at 5:30 that he had me make but now says he doesn't think he'll be able to make. So I'll have to look like an idiot and call to cancel that when I actually need to go to the eye doctor myself but won't be able to because of my stepson's activities. Now in between all of this I need to find time to cook dinner and clean the house and do some math homework, which I'm already behind in;but I probably won't. Now I will do all of this running around on my stepsons behalf while my husband sits his behind in Manhattan probably grinnin and skinnin at his coworkers and talking sports. Then he'll come home and all praise will go up because "daddy's home!" and he'll look around at the house with that "what does she do all day" look on his face. When he is jabbering with his friends he will moan and sigh about how much work it is to be a custodial dad, and I'll sit there with a sour look on my face, thinking "it must be nice". Oh and while I do all this running around for my stepson, he my stepson will sit there with a ugly look on his face as though he can't stand to be in the same car with me and mumble out one syllable answers to my questions.

Me: "How was school?"

Him: "good"

Me: "Any homework?"

Him: "some"

You see he tries his best to think of me as just a "worker" kinda like the maid or the housekeeper. If I don't speak to him when he gets in the van, then he won't speak at all. I'm not sure if this is just teenager crap or he just thinks of me as the "stepmonster" so figures it's best he not speak to me at all. At any rate when he see's his dad, its all love. Sometimes he tries to speak about me like I'm not in the room. For example if I close the door to his room, he'll ask his dad really loud in front of me "who closed my door;my door should stay open!".

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